Our Values
Renta 4 Luxembourg, as well as Renta 4 Grupo, do not belong to any financial or industrial conglomerate, being free to determine the investment strategy, and characterized by a perfect alignment of interests with its shareholders and participants.
Committed to quality management, we select the assets, geographic areas, sectors and securities that are most promising or appropriate in each situation.
At Renta 4 Grupo, we began our activity in 1989, and today the Group has more than 12,220 million euros under management.
The organisation of management, with daily meetings between managers, allows us to take relevant decisions at any time if the markets require it.
We are promoting the highest quality of service, with regular monitoring of the satisfaction of customers and other stakeholders, and implementing continuous improvement actions.
We maintain the highest safety standards with practices that maximise the safety of your products and services, creating a climate of customer confidence.
The permanent control of the maximum risk assumed by each of the investment funds is a basic principle of our management.
At Renta 4 Luxembourg we work to ensure that proximity, trust and transparency are at the heart of our relationship with our clients.