Get to know Renta 4 (SICAV)

Start investing in collective investment vehicles whose objective is to offer investors different alternatives that include Fixed Income, Variable Income, Mixed and Profiled Investment Funds strategies.

Get to know Renta 4 (SICAV)

What is Renta 4 (SICAV)

Renta 4 (SICAV) is a mutual fund managed by Renta 4 Luxembourg, currently with seven sub-funds, with institutional and retail share classes in euros.

Renta 4 (SICAV) offers various investment alternatives encompassing fixed income, variable income, mixed products and profiled investment funds.

The Fund was launched in March 2016 and currently has assets under management of €250 million.

What is Renta 4 (SICAV)

Discover all the advantages of investing in Renta 4 (SICAV)



A thorough political and strategic monitoring of the investor is carried out.

Tailor-made investment

Tailor-made investment

A tailor-made investment strategy is developed, adapted to the needs of the promoters.



This type of investment allows the modification of the investment and the type of assets with minimum fiscal impact.



You can buy or sell shares at any time, as the Renta 4 (SICAV) is listed on the Spanish Alternative Market.



The company may increase or decrease its initial capital by up to 10 times, which allows the (SICAV) to be used as an instrument to manage surpluses or cash requirements.



It is possible to pledge the client’s shares in the (SICAV) as a back-up for its financing needs.

Structure Renta 4 (SICAV)

Who is the Investment Manager?

Except for the Valor Relativo sub-fund (feeder fund) which is managed by Renta 4 Luxembourg, the management of Renta 4 (SICAV)’s portfolios has been delegated to the to Renta 4 Gestora SGIIC S.A., which acts as Investment Manager to provide advisory and investment services. Renta 4 Gestora SGIIC S.A. is an independent collective investment undertaking management company, with more than 35 years of experience in the Spanish collective investment undertaking market (

Who is the Administrative Agent?

Edmond de Rothschild Asset Management (Luxembourg) S.A. has been appointed by Renta 4 Luxembourg as the Administrative Agent, Registrar and Transfer Agent of the RENTA 4 SICAV, and it is responsible for:

-   Central administration, registrar and transfer agent functions required by Luxembourg law.

-   Custody of the register of shareholders, the processing of orders for subscription, conversion and redemption of shares.

-   Maintenance of the Fund's accounting records.

The Administrative Agent is a financial institution established in Luxembourg, having its registered offices at 4, Rue Robert Stumper L-2557 Luxembourg Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.

Who is the Custodian?

Edmond de Rothschild (Europe) S.A. de Luxembourg, has been appointed by Renta 4 SICAV as the Depositary Bank of the Renta 4 (SICAV) to perform the following services:

-   Custody of the assets

-   Cash flow monitoring

-   Supervisory functions

-   Other agreed services

The custodian is a financial institution established in Luxembourg, having its registered offices at 4, rue Robert Stumper L-2257 Luxembourg Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.

Who is the Auditor?

KPMG Luxembourg, Société coopérative, 39, avenue John F. Kennedy L-1855 Luxembourg Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, has been appointed as auditor of the Renta 4 (SICAV) and will fulfil all the duties stipulated by the Law of 2010.

Investment solution you need

Renta 4 (SICAV) offers various investment solutions that cover a range of strategies from fixed income, variable income, mixed products and profiled investment funds, with both institutional and retail share classes in euros. 

Fixed Income

Fixed Income

  • Valor Relativo
Variable Income

Variable Income

  • Valor Europa
Mixed Products

Mixed Products

  • Atria Global Opportunities
  • Global Investment
Profiled funds

Profiled funds

  • R4 Selección Tolerante
  • R4 Selección Moderada
  • Notice to shareholders change of denomination sub-fund Renta 4 Activa Adagio

  • Notice to shareholders change of denomination sub-fund Renta 4 Activa Allegro

  • Notice to shareholders of the sub-funds Renta 4- R4 Selección Moderada and Renta 4- R4 Selección Tolerante